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No New Posts Realm of Darkness

The realm created by one of the darkest and fearless deities on zyntar and did we forget to mention one of the oldest as he is one of the original deities born while the drydains were around.

This realm is not for anyone living, as soon as you step into this darkness you are sucked in and there is no way of leaving unless you find the lord himself.

Moderator: Iceli'area

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No New Posts Realm of Chaos

Much like the name suggests, this is Realm of Element Chaos. It represent it perfectly and here, burning in ice you might see flames of hell but no matter where you go, it's not peaceful anywhere but the castle when it's ruler choses so.
Ruled by Deity of Chaos, it, in fact, has no rules or order at all... Not ones that would be easy to understand for anyone but creatures with Chaos running in their veins, at least.
The mentioned castle stand in 'middle' of this place, though, it seems there is no beginning or end for this Realm and looks impressive with all it's chaotic strength.

Moderator: Iceli'area

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No New Posts Realm of Balance

No one can imagine a place of such order as this Realm. Everything is in place, harmony and perfect. Peace is what rules here along with Xerxes, Deity of Balance.
Beautiful gardens and houses of this Realm is what tells how much Xerxes actually loves beauty. Some finds it depressing and boring but for some, this is the heaven and many wants to be able to live here but the Deity allows only most trusted people enter in the Realm.
In the middle of Realm stands the mightiest and most beautiful building - his palace.

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No New Posts Realm of Fire

Created by the deity of fire, this realm is like a planet on its own. One would expect flames and a barren land which is far from truth.

Here are endless fields of fire flowers and creatures which live from the flames of the deity. This large and vast realm is easy to lose yourself in.. Don't be fooled by its appearance... It may still be dangerous.

Moderator: Iceli'area

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Surrounded in strong magic is a temple floating in the sky.

Within the temple itself there are portals for those who dare to enter the realms of deities though you must be warned only those with strong stomachs and hearts will be able to surivive.

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